Coincidence of opposites and astrology
Opposites and oppositions play a game of mirrors. They are both same and reverse at the same time.
For instance:
Cancer and Capricorn are two opposite signs. Like all opposites, they have more in common than we think.
The Moon rules Cancer and symbolises the mother, the mother child relationship, home, family life, roots, emotional and physical needs, caring.....
Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, symbolises ambition, the long and difficult journey to reach the tops, (Top of social ladder in general, possibly politics or any way to get power and social recognition among society. Society can be the particular context of a specific community or subculture. A Saturnian can be the most disciplined ecologist and master reality well enough to be able to live off grid)
In Capricorn, the Cancerian softness and emotional connections are having the hard times of their lives.
However, Saturn and Capricorn are also experienced through mother.
In the beginning, we are breastfed. We literally eat mother. Nothing is more Cancerian than being fed by mother. But one day, it's finished, there is no milk anymore. We have to eat from a plate, sitting on a chair instead.
One day, mother does not want to carry us anymore. We are too heavy now, she says. As we grow up, we become more and more separated, more and more distant... Instead of being taken in charge, we become a member of the family and this is our first experience of being a member of a society....
Cancer and Capricorn are as intimately linked as the two faces of our relationship with mother. One side is physical and emotional connection - when we are dependent... and the other side is physical and emotional disconnection - when we progressively become a distinct individual.
The individuals with the greatest ambitions most often are those who have been the more emotionally deprived. They hope they will eventually deserve to get their most intimate needs satisfied when they reach the top. They bet power and control may get their needs met.
Jean-Marc Pierson
Astrologer, Storyteller , Writer
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