Jupiter in Aries: a leap of faith. Featuring Saturn in Scorpio.

I threw the Astrodice, asking: “What could I write about now?” and I got Jupiter, Aries, and the First House. 

I had been struggling with Saturn in Scorpio and feeling more and more depressed in the process. 

I was thinking of the old Latin phrase:

 “Omnes secant, ultima necat” found on ancient sundials. 

“All take something away from you, the last one kills you.” 

Every single hour does that. 

Saturn is time, and it meant also death or tombstone before Pluto grabbed all the morbidity for himself in the name of modernity. 

I was thinking of skeletons and of the pirate flag, I was thinking of replacing the skull that means “danger of death” by a scorpion on high voltage electrical transformers or bottles of chemicals…

I was thinking of the vanity of the aspiration of writers, artists or other wannabe great men to beat death with a masterpiece (if I am dead at the time of your reading this, thank you) and of the sexual tension that the scorpion’s tail evokes so well, the purpose of which being also to beat death by passing on genes and property, but also to give it, as the ultimate end of every new life. But sometimes, even Saturn finds it difficult to get hard. To have an erection, you need to relax…  

I was thinking of Saturn doing Saturn with extreme intensity, of weasels who would not let go of the throat of a prey, even whilst being bludgeoned to death by a furious farmer…

I was thinking  of someone I know who has been working so hard over the last decade that she built what might well become an empire, starting from scratch.

I was thinking of geisha mastering the art of eliciting fantasies and desire with such an iron grip on themselves, do they ever feel pleasure I wonder?... 

I didn’t find the way to put all these evocations of Saturn in Scorpio into words, even though I just did it, but before I started writing this, I had given up, thrown the astrodice wondering what to write about, and I got Jupiter, Aries, and First House.

Then, I pushed all the contents of my mind out in one go. I was talking about Saturn in Scorpio, but I was doing Jupiter in Aries. Aries is a go go go let’s go energy! 

And now,  I’m done with it! Enough of Saturn in Scorpio, there may be dots left, connect them yourself if you feel like it, or let’s move on before it becomes boring! Let’s talk about Jupiter in Aries, now! 

  • Knock knock!

  • Who’s there? 

  • Jupiter in Aries! Do you believe in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? 

  • Oh no! Not you again! 

It takes some courage to take your Bible and your human fear of rejection to people’s homes, and to insist. 

This Jupiter in Aries is not the best it could be though. Yes, it does take action, like a good little soldier, on matters of faith, but is it good faith really? 

  • It’s all written in the Book! 

Silly Jupiter, why do you believe in Mercury? 

It is written that  “In the beginning was the Word”, but which word was the Word exactly? Was it the word “Word” which was there in the beginning? 

All these stories are supposed to be inspiring, to make us feel something, to stimulate our intuition, not to be taken literally! 

  • But if God is love (and it’s true, because it’s written here) do you think he would abandon us without giving us a user manual?

A user manual? Oh my God, this Jupiter has definitely been hypnotised by Mercury. And then it stumbled into Mars’ energy field, aka Aries, and couldn’t help moving forward fanatically.

Ian Mc Gilchrist, neuropsychiatrist and philosopher, makes the point that our Western culture suffers from a predominance of a left brain approach to perceive the world, to the expense of the essential, holistic, metaphorical, intuitive way of the right brain. His work is huge. As it happens, the key words and themes associated with the left brain are those astrologers assign to Mercury, and those associated with the right brain are typical of Jupiter. In his book “The Master and his Emissary” Ian Mac Gilchrist borrows the metaphorical story Niestzsche used of a master who his betrayed by his emissary. The master has no choice but trust him; the emissary takes the power but hasn’t wisdom and understanding. This book is about 500 pages and this was just a short paragraph. It is behind my saying that Jupiter has been hypnotised by Mercury in the mind of people who believe in religious texts literally, a tendency which is actually present in our whole culture. We believe in science, logic and reason beyond reason. Jupiter has become hypnotised by Mercury.

A healthy Jupiter takes a leap of faith, from common sense and reason to intuition of a higher order. In the sacred Books, Jupiter reads between the lines. It understands how words betray and reveal at the same time. Jupiter is understanding. There is an ineffable reality...

In matters of faith, someone with Jupiter in Aries will be quicker than anyone to to get it, and then is likely to act on it passionately! 

Now, everyone has Jupiter in their chart, but not everyone leaps from ordinary to mystical experience, whether at the speed of Aries or not. 

However, we all make similar leaps at all times. The left brain may have imposed its values as predominant, we can’t do without the right brain altogether. We can’t have a mental life without both Mercury and Jupiter.

As an example, let’s read a comic book. I’m French, to me the summit of the art is the adventures of Asterix and Obelix. 

Before I make the point, a quick digression: in these books we see the roman legions expanding what would later become the roman empire through military conquest. Mars in Aries is a single warrior, Jupiter in Aries brings cohorts of them. They march on in good order, under the command of their officers. 

Organisation belongs to Jupiter (and enforcement to Saturn). The Eagle, symbol of the king of the gods and of Rome stretches its wings over the Roman legions.

Jupiter in Aries could be a high ranking officer (or mean that you come across as someone who could be one, if you have it in your First House). This placement is likely to be an enthusiastic community organiser, not to say bossy.

In the comics, Asterix and Obelix win against the Romans every time they meet them, thanks to the magic potion prepared by Panoramix the Druid, but that’s not historical truth… 

Back to my point. How do Mercury and Jupiter work together when we read a comic book?

Mercury sees what is in the book, literally, that is a succession of fixed panels separated by white space. Speech balloons are hanging above the characters.

But our experience and our pleasure, as readers, is nothing like a succession of fixed panels separated by white spaces.. With Jupiter, we link them mentally. We create a mental world in which they are alive, walking, fighting, laughing. They move, they make noise. We rejoice. There is more in our mind than on the paper.

There has been a leap from the communicated material to the experience of a world. We trust we get what the authors suggest. We do that even more when we read novels. Mercury is only half of the mind. Jupiter puts everything together, and we understand what’s going on.

In everyday life, we are constantly turning the data we get from the world through our senses into our lived experience of reality.

In lectures about perception I attended at university, I learned that people born blind who have eye surgery and see for the first time don’t see a stable world with objects and people easy to identify. In the beginning, they experience something like visual chaos. The brain, or the mind, has to process all the visual input before they can see a stable world.

Our perceptions are built.

This fact is also demonstrated by asking to subjects to wear glasses that makes them see the world upside down. After some time of dizziness, they end up seeing the world right - and then, they see it upside down when they take the glasses off!

The world we see is higher knowledge to the extent that there is more to it than what our eyes meet.

The mystery of what happens when our consciousness translates nerve impulses in the brain into, for instance, the sight of vivid colours is a spiritual experience. There are no colours in our grey matter. They belong to what astrologers associate with Jupiter. It’s higher knowledge.

In practice, when we interpret Jupiter, we can say it’s our mind. It’s how we know and understand. How we integrate the world brings about how we integrate ourselves to the world. Our understanding becomes our attitudes. Liz Greene says that Jupiter can act as a surrogate Sun. In Aries, Jupiter is likely to be quick to understand, quick to embark on new explorations, assertive in matters of opinions, ideas or beliefs…

Jupiter is a civilising energy.

The story of humanity could be summarised as a series of attempts to escape the state of nature to get a better life. We take a leap of faith from nature to culture, so to speak. We seek knowledge and wisdom to temperate wild instincts. We establish the rule of law. A rock star may sing they were born to be wild, if they were wild there would be no motorcycle, no rock’n’roll and no song. 

Jupiter in Aries is likely to promote values like action, courage, daring, individualism, heroism… 

(If you’re used to thinking of values as being ruled by Venus, you’re not wrong, but Venusian values are personal, and Jupiter’s cultural)

 With Jupiter we create laws to organise society. Unlike natural or spiritual laws, we are actively creating these ones, this suits Aries well. Legislators initiate bills. If someone in your household suggests making rules about who takes the bins out on what days, check their Jupiter-Mars connections. 

Growth and faith as expressions of the same principle.

A question that has been tickling me for some time is how can I understand Jupiter as meaning growth and faith as expressions of the same principle.

The idea came to me that a clairvoyant would see the energy field of a growing leaf as the template the leaf is about to grow into.

What if our consciousness was like a young leaf, and the destiny life invites us to grow into was like the invisible energy field of the next steps we may take? 

With some free will thrown into the equation, we may accept the invitation now (or maybe later) but whatever is calling us is nothing we could have rationally and logically thought of. 

And maybe there is more than one possible path, and maybe our own will has contributed to the creation of the energy field…

 One way or another, the time always comes when the next step is a leap. 

Jean-Marc Pierson

Astrologer, storyteller.

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Let me read you the introduction on youtube. Next video I’ll dress up.

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Jupiter in Scorpio and the eighth house

I threw the Astrodice, with the question: “What should I meditate on now?”


I got Jupiter, Scorpio and the eighth house. I didn’t like it too much. 

Jupiter is a teacher. It would come to me later, to help me understand Scorpio and the 8th house better.

“Later” happened on the bus. I felt a tightening in my chest. Anxiety or heart attack? I’ve never had a heart attack, as far as I know. I’ve had panic attacks manifesting as the feeling that there is something wrong in there in the past. A few years ago, I felt so bad that I went to the hospital. I had nothing, and I passed off as an attention seeker. 

I told myself it was most probably just anxiety. 

I watched the people on the bus. They looked alright. They seemed to feel secure, well anchored in their bodies. I felt that mine might just break down, something inside would get torn, I would find myself like a wingless bird floating above a collapsed nest, about to be carried away by I don’t know what whirlpool… 

I could tell myself that it was most probably not happening, that it was just one of these moments, that this one too would pass etc. But I could also tell myself that one day, sooner or later, death will come. One day, there will be no passing of the panic attack. 

On that day, I better be able to stand firm within myself and witness the flesh getting torn apart without getting torn apart with it. Holding on to the present moment and see… Santa Maria, a bit of help is welcome please! 

Jupiter in Scorpio. If Jupiter is a teacher, this teaching is not an intellectual one. It’s more like training. Remembering where there is trust inside, how to call, pray, reconnect with a hidden dimension, call it spirit, a place where consciousness and eternity live together in peace…

This one too passed, I was just a guy standing on the bus.

Scorpio is a Water sign. Water is creative, but not from scratch. Under the surface lurks stuff that was seeded, planted before, days or ages ago. When we are confronted with it, we might get swallowed, possessed, immersed in states of being that feel like being caught by the monster from the wardrobe. 

We don’t need logic but faith, courage, firmness… We need to be able to light our own light and be able to surrender. 

As usual, thoughts of compassion for the others, all those souls who live, like us, in breakable and corruptible bodies, help finding the centre. The heart. Recall the heart is the meaning of a pain in the chest. 

On the same day the Astrodice gave me Jupiter, Scorpio and 8th house, a friend sent me a sad message. She was so hurt because of love life things that she felt like life was not worth living... 

Saying words of despair is not jumping through the window, but they express well how it hurts. The pain is real. I’ve been there, or not far.  Feeling betrayed, rejected, treated like worthless, being used and powerless, whilst craving for love. I can understand.

The old scars are still bleeding. 

Jupiter is the explorer, the truth seeker. In Scorpio it wants to understand the deep layers and the unprocessed pains they conceal. Understanding is healing. 

We have to understand in our flesh, not just intellectually, that a wound is just a wound, not a law of the universe. 

We may have to cry, we must be moved to understand intimately.  

With the Water element, understanding is swimming. 


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I wish you deep inner peace and trust in the Great Spirit!