It's moving! How to use your Right Brain for Astrological Interpretations

If you look at the head of the ram - the symbol of Aries - the two horns seen from the front look like a V or a Y: 


Meditating on it you may see the tree of life, or a spring, and get good inspiration from that, but if you were a shepherd watching the head of the charging ram coming up to you, you would get a much more straightforward interpretation. 

These animals are powerful; they compete with the shepherd for the leadership of the flock. 

To interpret symbols, let’s remember that life is movement. 

Don’t ask “What is this?” Ask “How is this moving?” A ram is power in action. It pushes forward and it’s too focused to care about anything else.  

Taking it from there, you can find metaphorical rams in all areas. Some emotions are like rams: anger, excitement, a shot of adrenaline… There are intellectual rams: sometimes we “attack” a problem and sometimes we have a “breakthrough”. At a social level,  the one who turns a  vague group into an efficient team is called a leader. Aries may mean the efficient team or the leader, according to cases. In the eleventh house, it’s more likely to mean the team, in the first, a leader.

A left cerebral hemisphere approach would want a list of defining characteristics. Someone born with Aries predominant in their chart should demonstrate characteristic traits or attitudes. The list is the left-hemisphere ideal, but with life, we will always come across exceptions and contradictions.

A right cerebral hemisphere approach is much more relevant to understanding symbols. Instead of starting from Aries and wondering what it may mean, let’s start from life, and wonder “How are things when they are like Aries in this context?” 

For instance, imagine a monk. You wouldn’t think of a monk as a manifestation of the energy of Aries, but if you start with the knowledge that a certain guy is a monk and that Aries is strong in his chart you will wonder what can be like Aries in the life of a monk. 

At the time of writing, I didn’t know where this example would lead - I chose Aries and monastic life as an unlikely match, at least according to the common stereotypes, to make my point. And then I remembered a funny concept, in Christian culture: the ejaculatory prayer - or ejaculation. In Christian jargon, an ejaculation is a short and intense prayer. For instance: “Thank you Lord!” or “Oh God Help me!”

The etymology of ejaculation traces back to some Latin that means “throwing a dart” - which fits the energy of Aries very well.  

So you see, you may not think spontaneously of the tendency to pray in ejaculatory style when you see Aries in a chart, even if it’s in the ninth house, but in some cases, this will be the right interpretation. 

Within the context of spiritual life, Aries will be the energy of fervour, and in a less desirable expression, fanaticism. 

Let me rewind: I was talking about Aries in religious life as an illustration of the principle of looking at life first, and seeking for how the symbols manifest in the context we are considering, rather than starting with the symbols and trying to remember lists of things they mean. We need to make more use of our right brain. 

In this way, we’ll better understand the essence of the symbols: they don’t mean anything in particular, but they mean something that is common to an infinity of particular things or rather  processes. 

Before this, I started talking about remembering that life is movement. Aries shows a ram charging. Taurus once was a small calf but it kept grazing and it put on some flesh. The Twins are talking to each other and swapping…  

Aries is only one symbol. However, as astrologers, we’re looking at whole astrological charts, and again, an astrological chart may seem like a fixed picture, because we are so conditioned to approach it in left hemisphere style and analyse its parts, but actually it is like the picture of a running horse:

If you believe it's fixed, the picture of a horse with its stretched legs suspended above the ground by no strings, doesn’t make sense. It’s supposed to conjure up the galop, the movement. 

A chart is a particular moment of the movement of the cosmic clock; if we try to see it globally and in motion, we’re closer to reality. 

Let’s be honest though: I am not able to create a mental picture of all the planets moving through the zodiac signs, at their different speed, anticlockwise, whilst the signs with the planets in them are also moving clockwise, on their way to rising, culminating or setting. This is an ideal too. However it’s possible to have glimpses. What are planets doing when they form, for instance applying or separating aspects? In what order will planets rise on the Eastern Horizon? Which will be the first one? We can look at the Sun and the Moon as a duo and take the phases of the Moon into account…   

And we can forget about it, let our right brain work subconsciously and say thank you when intuitions pop in. (It pops better when we asked)

To make the best use of our two minds - our inner twins, the left and right cerebral hemispheres- , let’s remember: 

A balanced approach is like breathing. There are two ways, and there is alternance. 

So let’s stop believing we have to breathe in more and despise breathing out as if it was being lazy. 

Sometimes we need to focus, and sometimes we need to be receptive. 

Our own balance is key. 



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Jupiter in Scorpio and the eighth house

I threw the Astrodice, with the question: “What should I meditate on now?”


I got Jupiter, Scorpio and the eighth house. I didn’t like it too much. 

Jupiter is a teacher. It would come to me later, to help me understand Scorpio and the 8th house better.

“Later” happened on the bus. I felt a tightening in my chest. Anxiety or heart attack? I’ve never had a heart attack, as far as I know. I’ve had panic attacks manifesting as the feeling that there is something wrong in there in the past. A few years ago, I felt so bad that I went to the hospital. I had nothing, and I passed off as an attention seeker. 

I told myself it was most probably just anxiety. 

I watched the people on the bus. They looked alright. They seemed to feel secure, well anchored in their bodies. I felt that mine might just break down, something inside would get torn, I would find myself like a wingless bird floating above a collapsed nest, about to be carried away by I don’t know what whirlpool… 

I could tell myself that it was most probably not happening, that it was just one of these moments, that this one too would pass etc. But I could also tell myself that one day, sooner or later, death will come. One day, there will be no passing of the panic attack. 

On that day, I better be able to stand firm within myself and witness the flesh getting torn apart without getting torn apart with it. Holding on to the present moment and see… Santa Maria, a bit of help is welcome please! 

Jupiter in Scorpio. If Jupiter is a teacher, this teaching is not an intellectual one. It’s more like training. Remembering where there is trust inside, how to call, pray, reconnect with a hidden dimension, call it spirit, a place where consciousness and eternity live together in peace…

This one too passed, I was just a guy standing on the bus.

Scorpio is a Water sign. Water is creative, but not from scratch. Under the surface lurks stuff that was seeded, planted before, days or ages ago. When we are confronted with it, we might get swallowed, possessed, immersed in states of being that feel like being caught by the monster from the wardrobe. 

We don’t need logic but faith, courage, firmness… We need to be able to light our own light and be able to surrender. 

As usual, thoughts of compassion for the others, all those souls who live, like us, in breakable and corruptible bodies, help finding the centre. The heart. Recall the heart is the meaning of a pain in the chest. 

On the same day the Astrodice gave me Jupiter, Scorpio and 8th house, a friend sent me a sad message. She was so hurt because of love life things that she felt like life was not worth living... 

Saying words of despair is not jumping through the window, but they express well how it hurts. The pain is real. I’ve been there, or not far.  Feeling betrayed, rejected, treated like worthless, being used and powerless, whilst craving for love. I can understand.

The old scars are still bleeding. 

Jupiter is the explorer, the truth seeker. In Scorpio it wants to understand the deep layers and the unprocessed pains they conceal. Understanding is healing. 

We have to understand in our flesh, not just intellectually, that a wound is just a wound, not a law of the universe. 

We may have to cry, we must be moved to understand intimately.  

With the Water element, understanding is swimming. 


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I wish you deep inner peace and trust in the Great Spirit!

Self or ego? What is the Ascendant?

The Sun is said to be the ego. The first house, defined by the Ascendant, is called the “House of Self.”

What is ego? For some people on a spiritual path, the “ego” is the obstacle. I don’t agree with this negative definition. In a psychological sense, the ego is simply our sense of identity, our sense of self. The symbol for the Sun is the dot at the centre of a circle and is one of the most powerful symbols. With this image, we can see the self at the centre.

Since both the Sun and Ascendant are connected to our sense of self, is there some sort of competition between the two?

Liz Greene says that it’s not possible to practice astrology without a philosophy. My philosophy is captured in a basic metaphysical statement: “We are spirits in the material world. The body is our vehicle.”

Since we are spirits, our natural environment is the spiritual world. When we are in the spiritual world, we have no birth chart, no Sun sign, and no Ascendant. The material world is life as we know it on Earth, where we live wearing bodies of flesh, surrounded with the natural world and human society. I believe we regularly reincarnate, and with my underlying philosophy and belief, I have imagined a metaphor. I visualize visiting the bottom of the sea — representative of life on earth and the material world. And the Ascendant, our body, is a submarine, and the Sun, who we really are at the core, our spirit, is the driver.

Imagine you’re planning to visit the bottom of the sea to see the beautiful fish. The sea is very deep, and you can’t go just as you are. There is lots of pressure deep down and you won’t be able to breathe. You need a vessel of some kind — so, you embark in a small one, a submarine.

When you reach the bottom of the sea, there are already many other submarines traveling about. Some, like you, are there to chase and enjoy the fish while others are there to study the ocean floor and the underwater rocks. Others are there to test the new submarine technology, while others are there to control the traffic.

You know that you are you and not a submarine. But to others, you appear as just another submarine. They see the colour and the shape of your submarine. They see your driving style. They see that your submarine gets very excited when there are fish, but that you don’t care much for rocks. You are not a submarine, but that is what the others see. You may even identify with your submarine personality so strongly that you forget life exists outside a submarine — that you are a spirit and there is a whole world beyond what is around you.

Now this may sound very like the Cartesian notion of the ghost in the machine, so please don’t forget that this is just a metaphor. Our bodies are not machines. Body, mind, and spirit are much more deeply intertwined than that. I would rather think of our bodies as extensions of ourselves rather than mere containers. But, hopefully the metaphor is good enough for my point. One day the body dies, and yet we survive. Once the submarine dies, our driving style — our incarnated personality — disappears as well.

This is how I understand the Ascendant and the first house. It is our “incarnated personality.” My view is consistent with what we know about houses: they are about the most material expression of energies. The Ascendant, Descendant, MC, and IC form what astrological tradition calls the Cross of Matter.

The way the submarine behaves at the bottom of the sea is an expression of the intentions of the driver. The submarine is not just a “mask” that hides the authentic being within. There are various types of submarines. In my own chart, Cancer is rising, a very sensitive sign. My submarine carries cameras, probes, and antennae. I’m able to sense the environment with great accuracy. This also makes me somewhat fragile. Please don’t shout in my sonar! I’m here to detect subtle vibrations.

I am driving this Cancerian type of submarine on a Scorpio expedition: my Sun placement. The purpose of this incarnation has something to do with confronting intense emotions, exploring the unconscious side of the mind, and other such matters. If my Sun were Scorpio and my Ascendant were Sagittarius, I would have a thicker skin; and I would confront intense emotions as an adventurer, stepping out of my comfort zone. With Cancer rising, the intensity comes to my home. I’m more like a scorpion hiding under a rock.

We usually say that the Ascendant is how we appear. Words are tricky. To appear means “to look like” — but it doesn’t only mean this. To appear means “to become visible.” The Sun becomes visible in the morning on the eastern horizon. Everything that rises appears in the east. We are spiritual beings. Spirits are invisible. We become visible thanks to our physical body. That’s our Ascendant.

We appeared for the first time when we were born. Planets conjunct to the Ascendant give indications about how we were born. People with Pluto on the Ascendant often had a difficult birth. It felt like a life or death moment. People with Saturn on the Ascendant may well have felt stuck from the start. If it were Jupiter or Venus, the birth experience was most probably far more easy going.

Psychological studies have shown that there is a correlation between how birth happened and how well people do later in life. First impressions and first moments always have a great impact. We appear not only as our body, but also through our behaviour, which is on the surface. If I’m being polite towards you, it’s behaviour. You can see that I’m being polite, but you don’t know why. Maybe I am a complete hypocrite. Maybe I am polite because I have something to sell and it would be foolish to be rude. Maybe I just wish to avoid trouble. But maybe I am genuinely treating you politely because I do respect and love you. What comes up to the surface may come from the depth of my heart. But, if I am a hypocrite or if I am playing poker, then I am using the Ascendant as a mask. We have this choice.

I’ve seen videos where psychologists analyse video recordings of people who are lying like, for instance, politicians. I am not saying that all politicians are lying, but surely some do at times. Looking closely, psychologists can see that the body language of liars betrays them. There are subtle clues. Everything comes up to the surface actually, in more or less obvious ways. However, even if everything comes to the surface, we are not able to show ourselves as we are deep within. We can’t expect people to plug themselves directly into us and perceive our soul with absolute clarity. Maybe a very gifted psychic can do that, but surely not every lover can.

The alternative to being psychically perceived is to express ourselves. Self-expression: this is what the Sun’s mission is. To ex-press literally means to push out. We need to be creative to express our inner spirit. The Ascendant is the way out. For instance, I just imagined a picture book with little submarines of various colours and shapes interacting at the bottom of the ocean. Even a child could understand what I mean, that’s my Cancer Ascendant.

Metaphors are always approximations for the sake of clarity. The Sun is also the central power, so you may imagine the driver of the submarine as being the power generator. Body, mind, and spirit are intimately connected.

I hope I have given you a few keys to imaginatively interpret your Sun–Ascendant combination.


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This post has been published on the Mountain Astrologer: You can find it here

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